
This page enables you to look up Nadeo and Dedimania statistics for TrackMania/ManiaPlanet logins. Supported games are ManiaPlanet (TrackMania² Canyon/Stadium/Valley/Lagoon, ShootMania Storm), TrackMania Nations/United Forever, and TrackMania Nations ESWC.

All retrieved statistics are cached locally upon the initial request; the cache is flushed once a night at 05:30 MET. For up-to-the-minute Dedimania stats, visit the Dedimania site via the link given for the specified login.

TrackMania Forever

Login:grepedon Nickname:$i$bbbLeG$000〢$fffМαהі$f00.
Zone:World➧Greece   LeGМαהі. 
Account:United Registration #:6761096 / 18378636
Solo ranking
Environment:Merge World Rank:28864
Skill Points:15246  
Multiplayer ranking
Environment:Merge World Rank:38432
Ladder Points:67063.13 Greece Rank:257
Visit the corresponding stats page on UnitedLadder
Status:Normal Last Seen:2025-02-17 00:43:40
MaxRank:10 On Server:zavalosserver
    ƒun LOL Event 
Environment:Merge Total Recs:7875
Visit the corresponding stats page on Dedimania TMStats

Access this MetaStats page directly (suitable for bookmarking) via: metastats.php?tmf=grepedon Return to the input form