Dedimania 1 Stats

This page summarizes Dedimania statistics for TrackMania. Supported games are TrackMania Nations/United Forever, Nations ESWC, Sunrise, and Original.

All retrieved statistics are cached locally; the cache is flushed nightly around 05:40 MET.

  Tracks Players Records Servers Tools
Total 565 078 5 071 072 15 341 308 55 588 803
  Tracks Unique authors Average Tracks / Author
Total 565 078 56 876 9.9
# Author Tracks
1 lolsport 13 377
2 newplayer92 5 734
3 angelo_bianco 3 703
4 derrapador 2 354
5 Nadeo 2 211
6 canlife 2 187
7 elaus43 1 956
8 zulu 1 767
9 mdpoint 1 592
10 empy 1 331
11 fistule 1 280
12 poutrel 1 204
13 stetaci 1 182
14 endriago-1988 1 114
15 serge80 1 082
16 jan11222 1 015
17 basylius 1 007
18 guilan 1 004
19 l3cky 982
20 The_Zipster 938
21 patouman2 934
22 kaisema2 875
23 3po1960 862
24 _shivapx 859
25 brainsmack 841
Last driven in Tracks %
2024 223 309 39.5
2023 61 385 10.9
2022 36 782 6.5
2021 32 784 5.8
2020 25 782 4.6
2019 19 026 3.4
2018 15 680 2.8
2017 15 982 2.8
2016 17 563 3.1
2015 20 516 3.6
2014 11 775 2.1
2013 12 507 2.2
2012 16 774 3.0
2011 19 861 3.5
2010 22 891 4.1
2009 12 461 2.2
Environment Tracks %
Alpine 9 395 1.7
Bay 8 081 1.4
Coast 28 358 5.0
Island 24 865 4.4
Rally 13 373 2.4
Speed 11 059 2.0
Stadium 469 947 83.2
Laps Tracks %
Single-lap 281 409 49.8
Multi-lap 283 669 50.2
Characteristic Total
Tracks with plain names 211 462
Tracks with formatted names 353 616
Average number of checkpoints (1 lap) 6.61
Average number of laps (multi-lap tracks) 3.98
  Players Banned Cheaters Average Races / Player1
Total 5 071 072 9 461 80.6
# Nation Players %
1 GER 726 848 14.3
2 FRA 608 825 12.0
3 POL 333 383 6.6
4 CZE 243 133 4.8
5 RUS 230 277 4.5
6 BRA 228 976 4.5
7 POR 213 061 4.2
8 USA 191 527 3.8
9 NED 129 810 2.6
10 DEN 112 573 2.2
11 ESP 112 292 2.2
12 BEL 111 189 2.2
13 GBR 106 598 2.1
14 TUR 97 475 1.9
15 ITA 94 285 1.9
16 HUN 83 344 1.6
17 SWE 80 454 1.6
18 ARG 77 165 1.5
19 NOR 76 233 1.5
20 AUT 75 304 1.5
21 AUS 73 316 1.4
22 SVK 69 545 1.4
23 UKR 63 342 1.2
24 CAN 56 938 1.1
25 ROM 42 146 0.8
Last drove in Players %
2024 75 125 1.5
2023 79 337 1.6
2022 179 128 3.5
2021 263 706 5.2
2020 300 673 5.9
2019 214 644 4.2
2018 307 544 6.1
2017 434 772 8.6
2016 537 989 10.6
2015 485 389 9.6
2014 543 110 10.7
2013 901 994 17.8
2012 417 077 8.2
2011 113 710 2.2
2010 120 991 2.4
2009 70 496 1.4
2008 22 106 0.4
2007 3 277 0.1
2006 4 0.0
Game Players %
TMN 63 444 1.3
TMO 762 0.0
TMS 2 876 0.1
TMU 5 003 990 98.7
Account Bans %
United2 983 10.4
Nations 8 481 89.6
2Stored in the Dedimania global
rather than the database.
Characteristic Total
Players with plain nicknames 4 604 515
Players with formatted nicknames 466 557
1Players who finished at least one track 1 569 985
Players with MaxRank >= 40 38
# Nation Players %
26 SUI 39 458 0.8
27 GRE 38 467 0.8
28 CRO 36 476 0.7
29 CHN 35 848 0.7
30 OTH 34 376 0.7
31 FIN 33 784 0.7
32 IND 33 238 0.7
33 SCG 30 529 0.6
34 CHI 27 820 0.5
35 LTU 27 109 0.5
36 ALG 25 655 0.5
37 COL 24 409 0.5
38 RSA 23 847 0.5
39 MEX 23 289 0.5
40 KOR 22 399 0.4
41 SLO 21 953 0.4
42 EST 20 865 0.4
43 BIH 19 371 0.4
44 BLR 18 416 0.4
45 JPN 16 921 0.3
46 ISR 15 168 0.3
47 BUL 14 436 0.3
48 NZL 14 017 0.3
49 VEN 13 003 0.3
50 LAT 12 880 0.3
# Nation Players %
51 MKD 12 872 0.3
52 ANG 12 733 0.3
53 MAR 11 011 0.2
54 KAZ 9 855 0.2
55 INA 9 378 0.2
56 VIE 8 020 0.2
57 PER 7 366 0.1
58 BOL 7 106 0.1
59 BAN3 7 051 0.1
60 IRL 6 620 0.1
61 URU 6 411 0.1
62 PHI 6 255 0.1
63 TUN 6 186 0.1
64 ECU 5 689 0.1
65 MAS 5 175 0.1
66 EGY 5 073 0.1
67 ALB 4 851 0.1
68 THA 4 728 0.1
69 CYP 4 650 0.1
70 PAK 4 388 0.1
71 BRN 4 349 0.1
72 IRQ 4 201 0.1
73 LUX 4 144 0.1
74 IRI 3 995 0.1
75 3 664 0.1
# Nation Players %
76 KSA 3 428 0.1
77 CGO 3 063 0.1
78 GUA 2 972 0.1
79 MGL 2 958 0.1
80 UZB 2 938 0.1
81 SIN 2 932 0.1
82 UAE 2 851 0.1
83 LIB 2 669 0.1
84 SEN 2 253 0.0
85 PAN 1 919 0.0
86 NGR 1 904 0.0
87 QAT 1 814 0.0
88 CAR 1 795 0.0
89 LBA 1 755 0.0
90 OMA 1 657 0.0
91 SYR 1 633 0.0
92 LAO 1 466 0.0
93 KUW 1 211 0.0
94 CIV 1 003 0.0
95 MRT 171 0.0
96 JAM 154 0.0
97 ISL 49 0.0
98 SRB 13 0.0
99 ROU 4 0.0
100 out 1 0.0
3Quite a few cheaters anticipate
their fate by choosing this nation.
# Nation Bans %
1 GER 1 217 12.9
2 FRA 833 8.8
3 POL 542 5.7
4 BRA 496 5.2
5 GRE 463 4.9
6 OTH 461 4.9
7 ALG 321 3.4
8 NED 318 3.4
9 BEL 303 3.2
10 USA 284 3.0
11 ARG 242 2.6
12 TUR 241 2.5
13 POR 203 2.1
14 AUT 183 1.9
15 CZE 179 1.9
16 AUS 178 1.9
17 ANG 172 1.8
18 RUS 147 1.6
19 HUN 135 1.4
20 ITA 126 1.3
# Nation Bans %
21 ESP 122 1.3
22 SVK 105 1.1
23 ROM 98 1.0
24 GBR 96 1.0
25 BOL 94 1.0
26 BIH 82 0.9
27 CRO 82 0.9
28 CHI 76 0.8
29 NOR 73 0.8
30 SWE 65 0.7
31 UKR 64 0.7
32 CYP 61 0.6
33 CAN 60 0.6
34 SLO 57 0.6
35 BAN3 53 0.6
36 DEN 50 0.5
37 JPN 49 0.5
38 FIN 47 0.5
39 SCG 47 0.5
40 ISR 46 0.5
# Nation Bans %
41 BLR 45 0.5
42 SUI 45 0.5
43 VEN 44 0.5
44 BRN 43 0.5
45 IND 39 0.4
46 EST 38 0.4
47 VIE 38 0.4
48 KSA 34 0.4
49 CHN 29 0.3
50 TUN 27 0.3
51 UZB 27 0.3
52 MKD 26 0.3
53 BUL 25 0.3
54 PHI 24 0.3
55 KOR 23 0.2
56 IRQ 22 0.2
57 LAT 21 0.2
58 RSA 21 0.2
59 UAE 21 0.2
60 INA 20 0.2
      Records     On Unique Tracks By Unique Players At Unique Servers
Total 15 341 308 474 079 591 749 30 779
Driven in Records %
2024 821 736 5.4
2023 883 638 5.8
2022 845 195 5.5
2021 874 907 5.7
2020 905 006 5.9
2019 758 548 4.9
2018 756 635 4.9
2017 771 105 5.0
2016 812 521 5.3
2015 820 091 5.3
2014 839 599 5.5
2013 774 327 5.0
2012 969 716 6.3
2011 1 151 071 7.5
2010 1 574 274 10.3
2009 1 344 142 8.8
2008 387 927 2.5
2007 50 595 0.3
2006 275 0.0
Mode Records %
Rounds 3 606 570 23.5
TimeAttack 11 734 738 76.5
Environment Records %
Speed/Desert 193 341 1.3
Alpine/Snow 175 235 1.1
Rally 162 410 1.1
Island 598 686 3.9
Bay 142 201 0.9
Coast 1 089 054 7.1
Stadium 12 980 381 84.6
Characteristic Total
Average number of checkpoints (1 lap) 6.7
Records with rank > 30 70 090
Tracks with (at least) 30 records in Rounds mode 76 474
Tracks with (at least) 30 records in TimeAttack mode 316 946
  Servers Private Average MaxPlayers / Server1
Total 55 588 10 047 35.4
# Nation2 Servers %
1 GER 13 119 23.6
2 FRA 8 996 16.2
3 POL 1 912 3.4
4 NED 1 697 3.1
5 BRA 1 659 3.0
6 POR 1 659 3.0
7 RUS 1 592 2.9
8 DEU 1 545 2.8
9 CZE 1 334 2.4
10 HUN 1 234 2.2
11 GBR 1 185 2.1
12 BEL 921 1.7
13 USA 834 1.5
14 ESP 833 1.5
15 NOR 822 1.5
16 TUR 738 1.3
17 ITA 696 1.3
18 SWE 634 1.1
19 SPN 589 1.1
20 AUT 516 0.9
21 SVK 409 0.7
22 GRE 386 0.7
23 UKR 384 0.7
24 CAN 370 0.7
25 CRO 363 0.7
26 LTU 359 0.6
27 SLO 337 0.6
28 DEN 318 0.6
29 AUS 309 0.6
30 SUI 283 0.5
2Numerous servers use invalid
nation strings and are omitted.
Last driven in Servers %
2024 1 261 2.3
2023 437 0.8
2022 471 0.8
2021 707 1.3
2020 796 1.4
2019 605 1.1
2018 761 1.4
2017 972 1.7
2016 1 004 1.8
2015 1 425 2.6
2014 2 136 3.8
2013 3 537 6.4
2012 5 107 9.2
2011 9 045 16.3
2010 12 141 21.8
2009 8 941 16.1
2008 4 273 7.7
2007 1 875 3.4
2006 94 0.2
Game Servers %
TMF 50 251 90.4
TMN 3 427 6.2
TMO 44 0.1
TMS 147 0.3
TMU 1 689 3.0
Mode Servers %
Rounds 13 174 23.7
TimeAttack 38 286 68.9
Team 1 883 3.4
Laps 1 134 2.0
Stunts 428 0.8
Cup 682 1.2
PackMask (TMF) Servers %
619 1.2
Alpine 275 0.5
Bay 17 0.0
Coast 313 0.6
Island 79 0.2
Original 16 0.0
Rally 17 0.0
Speed 12 0.0
Stadium 41 770 83.1
Sunrise 18 0.0
United 7 115 14.2
Characteristic Total
Servers with plain names 17 366
Servers with formatted names 38 222
1Servers with MaxPlayers > 0 & <= 255 52 595
Servers with MaxRank >= 40 83
  Tool Versions Unique Tools Average Versions / Tool
Total 803 110 7.3
# Tool Versions %
1 FastUdw 90 11.2
2 FastUdl 81 10.1
3 TRUCK 54 6.7
4 FastUdcl 49 6.1
5 FastUdcw 47 5.9
6 XASECO 46 5.7
7 TMSC 27 3.4
8 FastUiw 26 3.2
9 Trakman 22 2.7
10 TMSL 21 2.6
11 MINIcontrol 18 2.2
12 CAR 16 2.0
13 Aseco 15 1.9
14 FAST 15 1.9
15 FastNdcw 15 1.9
16 ManiaLive 15 1.9
17 RCP 14 1.7
18 FastNdcl 13 1.6
19 Onyx 11 1.4
20 FastNiw 10 1.2
21 ADEDIMANIA1.0 9 1.1
22 FastSdcw 9 1.1
23 FoxControl 9 1.1
24 ADEDIMANIA0.7 8 1.0
25 NeSCo 8 1.0
26 ASECO_CDV 7 0.9
27 FastOdcw 7 0.9
28 FastSdcl 7 0.9
29 RCP4 4 0.5
30 Sato 4 0.5
31 SPEED 4 0.5
32 TM-DeReCo 4 0.5
33 TMSPS 4 0.5
Last used in Versions %
2024 31 3.9
2023 17 2.1
2022 13 1.6
2021 15 1.9
2020 6 0.7
2019 2 0.2
2017 3 0.4
2016 4 0.5
2015 26 3.2
2014 12 1.5
2013 16 2.0
2012 23 2.9
2011 46 5.7
2010 147 18.3
2009 113 14.1
2008 177 22.0
2007 133 16.6
2006 19 2.4
Status Total %
Enabled 138 17.2
Disabled 665 82.8


Dedimania stats retrieved from a daily replicate of the Dedimania master database.